Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Battle of the Rap Stars

My previous blog finished off with a pretty presumptuous (according to popular belief) declaration that Kid Cudi is better than Drake. And although my personal opinion still holds strong in that belief, a rousing debate with a good friend of mine kept the topic on the tip of my brain for the remainder of the day which sparked a little more curiosity in finding an underrated rapper, that again, is better than Drake.

Don't get me wrong, I respect Drake as an artist, and through the debate with my friend, I understand the fact that he is lyrically better throughout his entire albums compared to his highly renown singles. That being said, my quest to find other rappers better than him may derive from the fact that his voice grates on my nerves, or the overwhelming consistency in the music industry (and fans) giving to much credit's due to artists that can and should be outdone by other, less credited artists. Basically, I think Drake and artists alike (Lil' Wayne, Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Bruno Mars, and all the other overplayed, radio hogging, "best rapper/pop star/artist EVER") could spare a little spotlight to the real talents (direct hack at Britney Spears, because I still think she has become a talentless music industry puppet).

Long story short, this is a continuation to my previous blog, except I would like to declare a new opponent for the infamous Aubrey "Drake" Graham. This time around he will be taken down by force of Lasers.. That's right ladies and gents, Lupe Fiasco is better than Drake-- Yeah I said it, and here's why:

Laser's is Lupe Fiasco's 3rd studio album but could be considered his first when compared to the popularity of Drake. His most notable single before releasing this hip hop masterpiece was along the lines of "Kick, Push," which if I were to ask a handful of people have probably only heard a few times, if at all. Not to mention it being popularized for sound, skate/youth culture, and sound-tracked on multiple TV shows, not for the best of his abilities (which leads back into the music industry spoon feeding the public). Anywhoo...

(photo: Lupe Fiasco's Facebook)
Lupe is known for his deep rooted lyrics, focused around the troubles in the world and his positivity shining through in hopes to shed light on, and spark revolution in fighting the worlds injustices. That alone is cause for major industry respect. His song Hurt Me Soul, speaks about respecting women, and initially not respecting the rap game for glamorizing drug dealing. He goes on to flow so effortlessly about all the things in the world that "hurts me soul," like welfare, prostitution and lack of health care. I could claim Lupe victorious in this battle by that song alone, but he's not done there.

His newest album Lasers (which is amazing to say the least) has a song called Word's I Never Said, with a ridiculous flow about the war on terror, budget cuts in education, and how the news is so absurd it may as well be Jersey Shore. The verses he strings together about such heavy topics is his skill--actually caring about these injustices is his passion--Respect!

Although it was argued to me that lyrical ability and freestyling are polar opposites, I still see it as an overall talent to a hip hop artist. My argument is that, with some extra time and a pen I can come up with awesome lyrics, but off the top of my head and just a beat I'd probably freeze or just string words together that rhyme (like most popular rappers that lack the ability to produce a quality freestyle).

That's not Lupe... This guy is the double edged sword in a battle of the rap stars. Here's a freestyle I found of Lupe Fiasco rippin' up the house, on his birthday, nonetheless:

I don't even feel like posting Drake's again.. Too slow, too many pauses to think, too... not as good as Lupe!

Buy Lasers! And while you're at it, check out Food & Liquor and The Cool, cuz' this guy's legit... and better than Drake ;)

Check him out rockin' the stage on Letterman with his new single "The Show Goes On" –

Sorry guys... I obviously don't like Drake. But I hope I introduced you to the overlooked talents of Wasalu Muhammad Jaco, better known as Lupe Fiasco.

Come What May,

Lindsay Taylor